做英文功課中..Do English homework. In English Video. Taiwan and Hong Kong. Occupy Central with Love and Peace, True Democracy, universal suffrage

In Part One, we look at the growth of universal suffrage in Taiwan, in an interview with former presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen. In Part Two, with us in the studio to discuss Hong Kong’s own attempts to bolster the democratic process and universal suffrage here are Joseph Cheng, Chairman of the Alliance for True Democracy,…

Student knowledge on democracy.

Great for the students on the knowledge of democracy. 昨天由公民黨主辦的「公民盃大專辯論總決賽」非常精彩。評判之一的徐少驊,在賽後闡述「和平佔中」運動的理念,強調這是跟中央政府爭取真普選的有效策略,亦表示過去在世界各地曾發生的「公民抗命」運動都有助促進社會公義,這對於一個社會的長遠發展有很大的裨益。 Yesterday, sponsored by the citizens ‘ Party “citizen Cup Varsity debate finals” is excellent. Xu Shaohua, one of judge, stated after the game “peace” movement concepts, stressing that this is an effective strategy with the Federal Government towards universal suffrage, have also occurred in the…

We are not animals or robots we are human beings. Human Rights for all! Video Taiwan

【短片】25萬公民寫歷史齊唱「你敢有聽著咱唱歌 」 | 即時新聞 | 20130803 | 蘋果日報 http://www.appledaily.com.tw 【綜合報導】公民1985行動聯盟發起的「萬人白T凱道送仲丘」活動,超過25萬 Video Link: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20130803/236328/ We are not alone in Hong Kong for a right to democracy and freedoms. I spoke to a well known tennis player from Taiwan and he told me his reality of growing up in Taiwan. If a person did not agree with…