Prosperity and poverty co-exist in Hong Kong. Video 6個港人 1個活在貧窮線下

The understated truth about Hong Kong. 貧窮線將於本月28日在扶貧委員會高𥧌會公佈,屆時政府會首次確定全港貧窮人口,預計約有129萬人生活於貧窮線之下。但在扣除稅及福利轉移後,即把生果金、學童書簿津貼等紓困措施,以及公屋租金補貼等計算在內,貧窮人口將由129萬大幅降低至68萬。有委員認為,政府應以129萬貧窮人口,作制訂扶貧政策的基準。 Poverty line will be 28th in high of the Committee on poverty reduction will be announced, the Administration will first determine Hong Kong’s poor, about 1.29 million people living below the poverty line. But after the deduction of tax and welfare transfers, namely textbook allowances for the elderly, school…